100 days!

ImageIt’s official! September 15 should be a holiday to mark the beginning of Christmas countdown. Yes, 100 days left til the most festive season of the year.

I hope you’re as excited as I am being a festive, Christmas person. Tis the season to be jolly and happy and spurge money for this holiday. I can’t wait for Christmas. I’m more of a Christmas person. You know, hot chocolate at Starbucks, walking in a park designed with Christmas lights, the cold breeze, playing my Christmas songs and shopping on Christmas Eve. It makes my Christianity complete. Christmas is perfect.

My favourite Christmas songs will start playing in the radio again. But the breeze already has began to smell like Christmas. The rainfall has started too. More nationwide holidays draw closer so does Christmas.

This will only be a short post. Excitement blacks out my mind’s ideas.

For the meantime, enjoy my favourite Christmas song ever.